A Live-steam launch

build log

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The 1/16" mahogany sheeting is butt-joined to form a large sheet and a plastic template of the deck shape is laid over top. The mahogany outer deck trim is cut out.

     Here the mahogany edge-trim is contact cemented      down onto the sub-deck and ready for the 1/16"   basswood planking to be set down.




.... Some small brass deck fittings turned on the lathe.


Below the bow deck and the aft deck are finished except for a few more brass fittings




 April 2013.....
The launch is just about complete.....a few more fittings, a taller smoke stack and perhaps a canopy over the rear cockpit. I need about seven pounds of lead in the keel too.....and the engine needs to be run again and tuned up.



I couldn't find a steam whistle anywhere so turned one out on the lathe. It sits on top of the relief valve and connects to the throttle operated whistle valve.....full speed ahead is about 3/4 stick, at full stick the whistle is activated. I found some drawings on the internet, The whistle worked first time.....not as mellow as I would like but the tone is a factor of size.....little whistles make squeaky sounds.



   To finish it off.....some really cool brass deck cleats from Ken Valk at   Wet Goose Marine.


The skipper takes over for a Sunday drive.....

The Lady Edna pushes a nice little bow wave on her maiden voyage.


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